The Healing Pond

Throughout time, Native American tribes in the area have used storytelling to pass on or enhance the strange and mysterious happenings in the Great Dismal Swamp. Each story’s theme is based on the belief that the world and all of its inhabitants are sacred. 

Deep within the Great Dismal Swamp, or so the legend goes, there is a pond called Cautaka.  It is small pond, dwarfed by the great water in the middle of the swamp, but it is very important to the creatures within this historic wetland.  No hunter has ever seen the pond, for it is a place only animals go to heal themselves when sick or wounded.  

Those who have lived as friends of the animals have been granted a vision of the pond.  Some have seen the springs heaving up into Cautaka early in the morning and witnessed the healing powers of the waters as wildlife bathe.  The vision fades away as soon as it has been seen, for the animals keep the pond invisible to all hunters.

According to Native American legends, there are bear tracks everywhere around Cautaka, because the bear is a great healer.  It is said that a bear with a great spear wound plunged into the tea colored water and emerged completely healed.  Elders have also shared the story of a beautiful great blue heron whose wing had been pierced by a hunter.  The spirited waters of the pond disintegrated the arrow and healed the swollen flesh of the giant heron.

Some believe the sacred waters of Cautaka have dried, but others know this special pond is hidden deep within the swamp and guarded by all of the animals. We must treat all animals with respect to someday be able to see the healing amber colored waters of Cautaka.

Stay tuned for more swamp legends and lore!


Indian Legends of the Great Dismal Swamp ~ Waverly Traylor

Ben Casey (image)